Monday, 21 February 2011

My Website Evaluation


In planning my site I have a number of considerations to make, in making sure my site would completed the way I needed it to be.

For example:

When planning my site I considered the thought of adding another navigation column because at first I decided that I was going to only use one navigation column, but after a bit of researching, I saw that other sites had 2 columns, one for navigation and another for advertising other games and sites. So I decide to make mine different since the website I was doing is about advertising and Promoting.

Another example of considered changes I have to make to my site was the colours, now when I first made the template for the site I had all bright colours for the site and they clashed and it was also hard finding colours for the text. So with that in mind I had to now decide what colours I was going to use.

Software’s used

Dream weaver- My sited was created in this software.

Microsoft word- I used this software to create the wording on the header of my site. I did this by first typing the name that I want to be on the header and then I clicked on view- toolbars- drawing which opened up a tool bar at the bottom of the page then I click on insert word art and click the design of the wording. Then I screen print the page.

Photoshop- when I was creating my site I used this software to create the header for my site. First I looked for the images I wanted to put on then I opened it into Photoshop, where I combined all the images blending them with the blending tool in Photoshop to make it look presentable.

CSS Control

External styles

My site is mainly controlled by External styles, which are contained in my CSS sheet which all my document link to, thus gaining access to any style I defined in the sheet.

e.g. #wrapper {

color: red;



border:5px solid #ccc;



The objective of my style sheets is to separate content from mark up, inline styles seem to completely defeat the object in some parts of my site, for example; when I was placing my right navigation it was not putting it to the right of the page although I add float right to in its CSS code. I have one or two Inline styles which overrides embedded or external styles so even if I try typing a code to override then it would not. So when it come the time I which to override it I can’t and have to remove the inline style.

Styles can be applied to any object in an HTML document and one of the major advantages of using styles rather than putting all formatting in the individual documents is the huge potential savings on file size as an external style sheet only has to be downloaded once and can then be applied to any number of documents.

Just as an example, in a font style you can specify a colour, a face, a size, a line height, spacing, background colours and everything else you may need for a font.

Embedded styles

In my site I use a number of embedded styles for the content section of my site. The reason for this is because the content on each page has different text structure and some of the pages have games which are bigger and wider than some. So I would need to put the code within the page and not in the CSS. If I was to put the code for each of these pages in the css then it would not work because it would not be such which code to us, by dealt it may use the first code I typing and forget about the rest.

Embedded styles example

Due to the difficulties involved in writing Standards Compliant code whilst at the same time satisfying the quirks and bugs of all browsers many web designers will cite this as good reason not to use Standards Compliant code, it has to be said though that writing good code which works in all browsers in not really any more difficult than writing bad code which works in all browsers. Browsers are what they are and ALL have their difficulties regardless of how good the code is.


Only a few image formats are supported to enable display in a browser and will get you the best possible results in terms of download time and final quality, these are as follows:

GIF IMAGES – Graphics Interchange Format - suffixed with .gif extension

JPEG IMAGES – Joint Photographic Experts Group – suffixed with .jpg extension

PNG IMAGES – Portable Network Graphics format – suffixed with .png extension

In my site I manly used GIF and JPEG for my images. When making my site I had to make use the format of the images where good quality, what the users will see is potentially governed by the quality of the software and equipment used to view it. E.g. age of monitor, graphics card quality, browser version, monitor resolution etc.

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